Dads Unlimited: Passing on the Faith
CD Series
As a dad, passing on the faith is one of our primary jobs, but how do we know what to do or if we're doing it right?
In Genesis 18:19, God chose an old gentleman, with no children, to start a whole new nation of people. What made Abraham special was that he would pass on the faith he had in God to the next generation. That is the whole point of what we're doing. Dads are wonderfully needed and important. Our influence and potential is unlimited!
Topics in this series include:
Posted by Unknown on 20th Jun 2013
Joe thank you for all your knowledge sharing the word of God in the way that you do. You can read scripture but when you have someone to explain it the way you do it just comes to life.
Posted by Tom Charlesworth on 5th Jun 2013
Your the best Buddy.. When you speaking at Church on the Move again????