Blended Families - Newly Revised
6 CD Set
If you’re in a blended family and are feeling overwhelmed you are not alone. It’s estimated that around 50 percent of families in the United States are blended.
As a blended family, you face a host of unique challenges that other families cannot begin to comprehend. Resentments can abound. While attempting to bond with a new spouse, husbands and wives are most likely dealing with child visitation and scheduling, shifts in household composition, different values, different lifestyles, and different forms of discipline.
Add to that the influences of ex-spouses and non-custodial parents and so on. All of these factors and other pressures can contribute to added strain in the marriage. God has a better plan for blended families than that.
Fortunately, the Bible has practical guidelines for resolving conflict and fostering teamwork. God can help every member find complete fulfillment in your blended family. He has a special grace for those starting life anew.
In this series, you will learn:
- God’s Plan for Blended Families
- How to Avoid Step-Parenting Pitfalls
- How to Blend Two Families
- How to Build a Relationship with Your Step-Child
- The Do’s and Don’ts When Dealing with an Ex-Spouse
- Principles to Teach all Your Children